Deadwood Trading Post

Deadwood Oregon Trading Company, Deadwood, Oregon

Deadwood Message Board

Deadwood Calendar/News and Events  *  Post Office updates  *  Third Saturday Events  *  Deadwood Creek Forum 

2/24/2025  The Deadwood Food Co-op Annual Meeting will be held at the Deadwood Community Center on March 9, 2025 from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.

1/14/2025  Deadwood Creek Services Annual Meeting is January 31.  Potluck between 5-6 pm followed by the meeting.  Don't forget Third Saturday this weekend 1/18/2025.  See Community Center page for details. 

11/2/2024  See Community Center page for updates on Third Saturday.  

November 2024 update from the Pioneer Cemetery Board on their page. 

2/4/2024  Third Saturday is February 17th.  See community center page for details.

6/15/2023  See Community Center Page for Third Saturday details. 

6/4/2023  Burning Ban in effect as of 6/2/2023.  See Fire Department page for more info. 

2/16/2023  Deadwood Food Coop information.  For those of you who would like to drop your orders off at the Community Center you can, otherwise there is still the drop off at Kaki & Billy's if you are closer to their place 91538 Deadwood Creek Road. The red cooler in their carport is the spot to drop off your order before 5:00 pm on Sunday, March 12, 2023. If you live further up Deadwood Creek you can drop your order off in my mailbox 93519 Deadwood Creek Rd before 5:00 pm on Sunday, March 12, 2023. Make sure there is the original order and 1 copy of your order. You can download the Food Coop Order Form on the Deadwood Trading Post website or use the online order form.

Also the login for Hummingbird has been changed to the password remains the same. We will be doing produce this month, I will be sending out the information from Organically Grown as soon as I receive it.. If you see something you would like to order from Organically Grown, and you really want it, you'll need to order the item, (the last pages 8, and 9 are for small buying clubs) find interested people to split it with, pay for it, and split it among yourselves. If you are interested or have questions about Organically Grown produce, I'll be happy to find out before the January 15 deadline.

Food distribution will still be at Denise and Chuck's house, since we don't know if the Azure order will be delivered the same day as the Eugene orders.

Check with Nancy to see if you owe money or have a credit.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 541-964-5581 or 541-999-0729. 

Please put the above dates on your calendars.

1/29/2023  See Community Center Page for Third Saturday information.   Fire Department Board meeting will be held 2/9/2023.  See the Ditto for details. 

12/20/2022  Deadwood Food Co-op.  Actually we haven't had an Annual Meeting in a while, but it's time to get together and ask questions and voice our concerns. Our meeting will be on January 8, 2023 at 1:00 PM at the Deadwood Community Center.

If anyone would like to submit agenda requests, they can be emailed to: before January 1, 2023.

12/17/2022  See Third Saturday information on the Community Center page. 

10/3/2022 Third Saturday featuring Kef is October 15th. Balkan Dance Music. 

10/01/2022  The Swisshome Deadwood Rural Fire Protection District Board of Directors will hold a Board meeting at 7:00 PM on October 13th, 2022, at the Swisshome fire station (12) - 13283 OR-36, Swisshome, OR 97480.

09/16/2022  Third Saturdays are back, join us in kicking off the 2022-2023 season! 

This month we welcome to Deadwood for the first time… The Upstate Quartet! Dinner at 6:30, music at 7:30. Please bring donation $ for the band and a potluck dish and/or donations for Deadwood Community Services. We count on your support to make these events happen!
The Upstate Quartet is a funky, energetic, and talented jam band that originated in Gloversville, New York in 2003. Having cut their teeth and honed their considerable musical chops in the upstate area, they brought their sound westward in 2008, making their new home in Eugene, Oregon. Comprised of guitarist Jay Waylett, bassist Justin Alric, and drummer Matt Veeder the Upstate Quartet is a veritable feast for the ears. In the summer of 2018 Upstate Trio added longtime friend and guitarist Mike Self to make it four. Incorporating elements of rock, funk, reggae, blues, and jazz in their music in live performances, they seamlessly bob and weave through sets that include rousing, provocative originals as well as covers ranging from rocking Phish, Zeppelin, and Talking Heads tunes to intimate jazz standards, with the fluidity and precision of a Swiss watch. 

06/14/2022  Third/Forth Saturday is back on.  See the Community Center Page for details.

10/7/2021  October is Chimney Flue safety Month.  As we head into the cold months and begin using our wood stoves and fire places it becomes even more important to recognize the risk of Flue fires.  Jesse and Elaine Pattison share an account of a very frightening event that could have cost them their home.  I am working with Jesse & Elaine as well as Greg Hertzbach from the fire department to make a bulk purchase of Chimfex at $9.00 plus shipping.  With our local sponsor and donation we hope to dive the price below $5.00 each and depending on demand make them available for free.  Go to the Fire Department page and sign up for a low cost Flue Fire Extinguisher. 

Some years back Elaine and I were leaving for a week, and a friend stayed at our home. The last thing as I was leaving the home, I had a quickening, and told him about the flue-fire stopper (Chimfex). I have had numerous folks stay at our home before, but never told anyone about the Chimfex and where the 3 of them were located.

So 3 days later he put a piece of wood into a hot stove, not noticing it had turned sideways, and when he shut the door it broke the glass out of the front. It was a strong fire before the glass broke; withing 45 seconds he said it sounded like a locomotive, and the lower (1st floor) chimney turned bright orange. He remembered the Chimfex and lit one and threw it in. It did not put out the fire, as the hole in the glass was too large, sucking lots of air. He panicked; not knowing what to do. It then "occurred" to him to get a iron skilled, with a hot mitten, throw in a second Chimfex, and hold the skillet over the hole in the glass. This did the trick, and the flue fire extinguished.

When I later examined the situation, the stainless triple wall chimney (second story and out through the roof) got so hot that it sucked in the sides several inches. My friend said it took approximately 20 minutes from the beginning of the flue fire to its' end. The $3 an inch triple wall was rated for 1,800 degrees for 20 minutes, so it was approaching its' limit. Thus is the true account of how we still have a home, saved by God, quick thinking, and Chimfex. Hopefully many of you can get this fine product into your homes!---Jesse & Elaine---

The Fire Department page has a sign up sheet that will allow you to purchase for a small fee or obtain a FREE Chimex Flue Fire Extinguisher.  

08/10/2020  Tina Rosa provided this COVID-19 update.  Good Information.  

07/22/2020  COVID-19 self care guide.

                    High Risk Counties/States         Coronavirus Resource Center

05/01/2020  Garden plants will be on sale at the Post Office parking lot on Sunday May 10th. 

03/13/2020  Due to the pandemic and the advice to limit personal contact, we've decided to cancel March 3rd Saturday. The safety of our community is of the upmost importance. We hope to continue on as planned with Alder Street in April, and hopefully we can re-book KUSH in June! Thank you for your support of our community events and we'll look forward to gathering together again. Take care of yourselves and each other! 

03/07/2020   Third Saturday with Kush.  

03/03/2020  The Deadwood Ditto is now posted.  The Food Co-op pages has an update to service months. 

02/06/2020  The Ditto is now posted. 

1/18/2020  Third Saturday info on the Community Center Page.  Food Co-op 2020 meeting minutes on the Food Co-op page. 

11/8/2019  Holiday Market.  See Community Center page for details.   

11/04/2019  Barn Raising Tour in Deadwood.  

11/01/2019  See Third Saturday information on Community Center Page. 

10/20/2019  See Community Page for info on Halloween Party. 

09/05/2019  An Honor Guard will be held for Bill Londagin on September 28th at 2:00.  The ceremony will be about 90 minutes.  

09/05/2019  The Ditto is now posted.  See the Community Center Page for information on Third Saturday.

08/07/2019  Public Service Announcement:  SVFR/WLAD Community Support Team facilitates a support group for family members and close friends who have lost a loved one to suicide. The group is facilitated by a licensed clinical therapist experienced in grief work. Anyone who has suffered such a loss is welcome to attend. 

Meetings are on Monday evenings, 5:30-7:00pm, at the fire station at 2625 Highway 101 in Florence. There is no fee for this group. If interested in attending, please contact Lori Severance, LCSW at (916) 802-9705 for further information.

07/22/2019  Three adorable kittens need a home. Two of the kittens are twins, they have black and white markings. One kitten is all black. Call Deborah: 541-535-5379.

07/06/2019  Johnny provided an interesting notation for the Deadwood Ditto which discussed the production of fertilizer and it contribution to Global Warming.  Here are some links:  Fertilizer Plants.  Fertilizer and Greenhouse gas.  Fertilizer production summary.  Chemical Fertilizer.  

06/10/2019  Come celebrate another awesome season of 3rd Saturdays! This month on June 15th, we welcome back Satori Bob!

Dinner for Sale $7 (plus extra for dessert)
Featuring beef, carne asada, and vegetarian options. 
Flan for dessert 

06/07/2019 Third Saturday is June 15th with Satori Bob Trio. See Music in Deadwood page. 

06/04/2019  See the Deadwood Networking and Labor Pool page to employ local talent. ​

06/01/2019  Check your mail daily.  There has been mail theft in the Deadwood area.  Some dumped mail was recovered and will be returned to the post office.  There is a POST on Facebook in the Deadwood Outreach Group with more information for locals.  

05/29/2019  Deadwood Farmer's Market starts in June.  

05/17/2019  Pioneer Heritage Day on Memorial Day, May 27th, at the Deadwood Pioneer Cemetery.  

05/16/2019  Third Saturday is this weekend, May 18th with the VIPERS

05/01/2019  See the Deadwood Ditto for important dates and activities in Deadwood. 

04/30/2019  See Community Center page for information on May Day Run 5/5/2019. 

04/03/2019  The Deadwood Ditto is now posted.  See Community Center page for 3rd Saturday details. 

03/08/2019  See important message from Gerg Hertzback.  March Deadwood Ditto.

03/08/2019 Third Saturday March 16th with Gumbo Groove. Don't forget about OPEN MIC night on odd Thursdays. See Ditto for more details. 

From the Deadwood Ditto...Spring Arts and Craft Fair at the Deadwood Community Center.  Ashley Camacho will be hosting an arts and crafts fair at the community center on March 23, from 10 AM to 4 PM. Stop by to check out the talents of our local craftspeople.  

02/05/2019  See Community Center page for 3rd Saturday details. 

01/06/2019  Here is the Mapleton School Calendar for January 2019.  

12/02/2018  The Ditto is posted.  See Community Center page for Third Saturday info. 

11/29/2018  Holiday Market this Saturday 12/1/2018.  

11/1/2018  Third Saturday is 11/17/2018.  See Community Center Page. 

10/07/2018  Third Saturday is October 20th and the Deadwood Halloween Party is on the 27th.  See the Deadwood Ditto for details.

09/12/2018  Third Saturday this weekend 9/15/2018.  See Community Center page.  Also, there will be a special dedication.  Help make this a great occasion with your attendance. 

07/03/2018  The Deadwood Ditto is now posted. 

06/14/2018  See Community Center page for info on Third Saturday 06/16/2018.

5/19/2018  Deadwood Pioneer Cemetery invites you to the 4th annual Pioneer Heritage Day on Memorial Day, 5/28/2018, approx. 12:00 – 3:00 at the Cemetery. Potluck will start at noon; side dishes or desserts welcome – bring a dish to share &/or your donations to support your nonprofit community cemetery. Also bring a chair to stay and enjoy the presentation!

This year’s event will be highlighted by the several local pioneer characters played by the John Quay Players, presenting pioneer life in this area.  

Enjoy the history, blooming flowers and shrubs in this lovely wooded setting. See the recent and upcoming improvements, including row markers and mapping, and the 36 new headstones marking previously unmarked graves, purchased with a grant from the Historic Cemeteries Division of Oregon Parks and Recreation. View the 11 black granite “art stones” that indicate unknown occupants of known graves. Honor our 34 veterans, including 2 Civil War veterans! 

Please contact us if you have questions or want to be involved – 541-964-3345 / 541-999-2209 / Thank you!

5/19/2018  Third Saturday with the Michael Anderson Trio.  See more on community center page.

4/28/2018 May Day Run and Annual Plant Sale is May 6th.  ​

4/6/2018  Free Boat Safety Inspection 4/21/18.  See Ditto for more info. 

3/4/2018 Third Saturday - Kush Band. March 17th. See Music in Deadwood page.

2/21/2018  Third Saturday Events can be found in the Ditto and Community page. 

11/30/2017   We had to leave Steve's (John F) two cats at moms (Minnie) house. I already have two tame and two Farrel cats. They need a good home.  They are very friendly and fixed.  Please give them a new home. We have a wonderful neighbor feeding them but they want more company.  Thanks, Marilyn Thompson  Please call 541 964-5431 or email -

11/14/2017  This year I am participating in the Springfield Christmas Parade. I am entering my Barrel Train again.  I am collecting Toys for the "Toys for Tots" program of Lane county.  If you are interested in providing a new unwrapped toy for the parade I will deliver them to "Toys for Tots".  If you have need, here is the link for Toys for Tots.
The Parade is December 2nd so I will need them prior to that date.  
Thanks, Karl Logan,  DTP Administrator

11/9/2017  See Community Center page for Holiday Bazaar information. 

11/8/2017  Kittens Need A Home ~ Three adorable kittens, who will grow up to be great mousers, are in need of a home. Two are long-haired. I can send pictures. Please phone: 541-535-5379. 

10/09/2017  Please spread the word that at our store, Farmer's Country Hardware in Mapleton, we have yarn, fabric and sweatshirts. The yarns are of wool, wool blend, cotton and acrylic, all are $2.50 per skein regardless of fiber content. Fabric is by the fold, $2.50 each, as are the sweatshirts. Thank you!  This is a limited supply.  Must act fast.

10/02/2017  Deadwood is home to an Organic Turkey Farm.  I am sure you all know the location of the farm.  William, and his wife Marsha, will be selling turkeys soon.   Website:

09/21/2017  Volunteers are needed to help place headstones this Saturday 9/23/17 at Deadwood Pioneer Cemetery.  More info here.  

09/16/2017  Deadwood Fire - See News and Events page.

09/06/2017  Third Saturday is Sept. 16th.  See the Ditto for more details. 

09/01/2017  See the Deadwood Ditto for Community Events.  

06/12/2017  Third Saturday June 17th with KUSH.

06/10/2017  Music at the Deadwood Tavern June 24th.  Speaker Wave.

05/24/2017  Pioneer Heritage Day on Memorial Day at the Deadwood Pioneer Cemetery.  

05/15/2017  Third Saturday is May 20th with Joanne Broh Band.

03/28/2017  Third Saturday is April 15th.  See Community Center page for details.

03/26/2017  Go Fund Me account for...  Deadwood Community Center is badly in need of a new hand rail around the deck. It has also been long discussed to provide a roof over the deck to protect the people and the building. We are far along with plans for a handsome new hand rail built into the roof supports for an industrial grade clear polycarbonate roof that provides rain and UV protection. We are also far along with fundraising but need your support with a little more to fill out our budget $7800. We have received a grant for $3.500 from Western lane Community Foundation, $ 2000 from DCS funds and raised almost $800 for 2 benefit events.

 With your contributions of up to $1500 we will reach our goal. Construction is due to begin in April and aims to be completed by May 19. 

 The new hand rail is necessary for safety and the roof over the deck will a boon to the community creating extended dry space during rainy season events and our popular Third Saturdays. Hundreds of people will benefit for decades to come.

 For more details of construction plans or to donate actual building materials and supplies please contact Mary McNutt 

02/10/2017  Deadwood Talent Show, this Saturday February 11. 6.30pm, Call Billy Burress 964 3555 for details. Featuring local performers, desert concession table, and introducing the Silent Auction fundraiser. Biding on these items will be completed on Third Saturday. 

02/06/2017  Our band booked for Feb 3rd Saturday cancelled on us just before Kate left for a two week trip to Kenya.

On the other hand, we have been working up definitive plans for replacing the rotten hand railing of the Community Center and at the same time build the long awaited roof over the deck. We are expecting a grant from Western Lane Community Foundation but need to raise a further funds for this much needed project.

To this end, we are creating a Night in India Fundraiser: Dinner with a slide show, time to chat, meet and greet neighbors, silent auction and some music. See poster below. As always, there will be menu options to suit all needs and organic ingredients.

Postings of a variety of silent auction items to come.

We Hope to see you there,

MaryGold McNutt for DCS.

12/31/2016  Happy New Year.  See Third Saturday info on Community Center Page.

12/16/2016 See Community Center page for activities. 

10/28/2016  Presentation November 3rd.  See info on Community Center Page. 

10/13/2016  Third Saturday is canceled due to bad weather. 

09/17/2016  See the Community Center page for local events.

08/24/2016  Event at the Community Center on September 10th.  

08/10/2016  Schedule of events for Rock Creek weekend...

FRIDAY August 19
5pm Shiloh Memorial Gathering followed by a spaghetti dinner...(please bring meatballs, Italian themed sides, salads, bread, beverages and desserts to accompany this meal) Music to follow....

SATURDAY August 20
10:30am Rock Creek Run/Walk, afternoon games, creek, music..... 6pm Potluck and Live Music begins....

We encourage you to come camp for the weekend and bring your families, friends, and cash donations to help with party costs!!  PLEASE ABSOLUTELY NO DOGS ALLOWED!!!!!!!!!

***please join us if you can for work parties Mon-Fri to get ready  
***we lost all of our party gear in the fire so please bring any you have to donate or loan such as lights, tables, tablecloths, plates, cups, silverware, fabrics, pop up tents, chairs, and anything else you find fitting!!!

Questions please call (541)964-5031

07/08/2016  The Deadwood Tavern is hosting live music on the last Saturday of July and August.  See the Ditto for more information.

07/01/2016  The Farmers Market is open 10:00 to 2:00 pm each Saturday during the summer in the Post Office parking lot.

The Swisshome dump is on the chopping block.  See the Ditto for more information.

06/14/2016  Third Saturday is June 18th.  See Community Center page.

05/23/2016  Please join us at Noon on Memorial Day, Monday, 5/30/2016 - Hear about Civil War and Oregon history. David Burkett of the Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War, and Tami Dreiling will provide pioneer reenactments and storytelling, and Ken Sawyer will bring his Civil War and Indian memorabilia. Bring a chair and some friends, and enjoy Civil War History near the river in a park-like setting.

Bathrooms will be available to public. Free food - hot dogs, chili, cookies and bottled water will be supplied... potluck salads or desserts if you wish.   Verizon cell service, coffee, and other necessities are available at the local restaurant/tavern, the Deadwood Country Market and Tavern.  We hope you can join us!

Megan Gerber, Secretary, Deadwood Pioneer Cemetery

05/17/2016  Open Board Position.  See details on Community Center Page.

05/09/2016  Rhody Weekend music can be enjoyed at the Deadwood Country Market featuring Steel Wool Band starting at 5:00 pm and Peter Giri and Friends at the Community Center with music at 7:30 pm.  

04/01/2016  Work on the cemetery today and again on May 14, 2016.  Info here.

03/27/2016  Need funding for your small business?  Here is a great funding source.

03/22/2016 Rock Creek Benefit Flier

03/21/2016  Rock Creek Fund Raiser Barn and Shop Replacement Wish List

03/14/2016  Community Fire Meeting Minutes

03/10/2016  Fund raiser for Rock Creek on March 26 at the Deadwood Tavern.  See more information in the Deadwood Ditto.  

03/10/2016  To Deb at the Ditto,  
I am writing in regard to a submission in the March Ditto about content and your editorial reply. First, I want to thank you for all the years of service and inclusion of EVERYONE in Deadwood. Personally, I find the Ditto well balanced. I have had the opportunity, and the burden, of deciding what to include in the Deadwood Trading Post. I find that your editorial skills are purposely neutral. I for one do not find the Christian Dogma offensive nor do I feel it is rammed down my throat. I have discovered that some who suggest they are philosophically inclusive are easily offended by people that do not agree with them. I thought this was Deadwood, “where diversity lives”. I appreciate your hard work and dedication to Deadwood and the Ditto. 

 Thank you. Karl Logan, Deadwood Trading Post

02/24/2016 There was a good turn out for the School Bond Meeting. Bottom Line, the tax per property is estimated to be $1.59 per 1000 of value up to almost $2.00 (for the $5 million bond). Calculating the lessor of the two ($4 million bond) this is $159.00 per year on $100,000 home, $238 for a home valued at $150,000, and $477 for a $300,000 property. The bond is 25 years so the estimate will be $3975.00 to $11925.00 depending on assessed value and amount of the bond. Facebook (Deadwood Outreach Group) has some good discussion on this topic.

02/22/2016  This Tuesday, 6:00-7:30 PM, at the Deadwood Community Center, Mapleton School District is hosting a public information and comment meeting to discuss the facilities bond that will be on the ballot for the District in the May election. The meeting will include information on facilities needs and a discussion of potential improvements, as well as information on how the bond would affect taxpayers. Hope to see you there, as there is a lot to talk about!

02/10/2016  The Ditto is posted and full of great information.  Deadwood Ditto.  

02/04/2016  Third Saturday February 20, 2016.  See Community Center page.

12/04/2015  See Community Center Page for information on the Holiday Market and Third Saturday.

10/14/2015  This Sunday there will be a clean up day at the Deadwood Cemetery.  Information. 

10/06/2015  Upcoming meeting/Event on 10/11/15 and Third Saturday on the 17th.  See Community Page.

10/4/2015 See information on the Community Center Page.  Meeting on 10/21/15.

8/12/15  *** Missing Dog ***

Small Black &White Shih Tzu -  goes by Jiffy.  Green collar no tags.  Contact Dionce Trov - 541-964-3712 -

92201 West Fork, Deadwood, OR  97430

6/4/2015  The Farmers Markets opens this weekend, June 7th.  See Farmers Market page.

5/16/2015  May 25th, Memorial Day, the Deadwood Pioneer Cemetery is hosting a Heritage Day.  Food will be served at noon with activities to follow.  See April Ditto for more information. 

5/13/2015  Third Saturday is May 16th.  See link above for more information.

04/22/2015  Special Meeting May 21st to discuss changes to DCS bylaws.  See information on Community Center Page.

04/20/2015  The next Third Saturday is May 16th.  See link above.  

04/08/2015  Third Saturday is April 18th.  See link above.

03/19/2015  In case you missed is the article from the February Issue of the Ruralite, "Living a Simple Life in Deadwood".  

02/22/2015  The next board meeting will be held Thursday, March 12th, from 7-9 pm. This is an open meeting, and all are welcome to attend. Call Tchanan at 5031 for info on location and directions.

02/08/2015  See the Neighborhood Watch page for Scam Information from the Sheriff's Office.  

01/11/2015  Below is Steve's address courtesy of Keith.

Green Haven Correctional Facility 
John F Forbis 14A5588 
PO Box 4000
594 Rte 216
Stormville, NY 12582-0010

01/05/2015  Meeting minutes for the Annual DCSB on the Community Center page.

12/15/2014  See Siuslaw Watershed page for news release about FREE native plants.

12/6/2014  The Deadwood Community Services board of directors (DCS) is having a meeting Monday, Dec. 8th at 6:30 at the community center. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss ideas for the maintenance and improvement of the Community Center, and to make budget/financial information available, and to address any concerns that weren't heard at the Annual Meeting. All are welcome to attend and give input. 

11/10/2014  The DCS Annual Meeting was informative, lively, and well attended.  In the essence of time I kept my presentation short so I will take this opportunity to outline a few talking points.  The Deadwood Trading Post continues to get over a 1000 pages views per month or 15,000 per year.  While this doesn't represent a huge  following it isn't bad for our small community of Deadwood.  Eighty percent of webpage visits originate in the U.S.  However, we continue to draw activity from 28 plus countries.  Brazil was second to the U.S. and represented 7.4% of total views.  Within the U.S. the top 5 states visiting the Deadwood Trading Post include; Oregon, Washington, California, New York, and New Jersey.  Commerce isn't as strong as I would like but one particular artist has had regular activity and some great sales.  If you have input or would like to make a submission please use the contact us link on toolbar at right.  I attempt to respond promptly but I work 5 days a week in Florence so my time is limited.  Depending on my schedule, I complete updates within the week, often within 24 hours.  

10/04/2014  DCS Annual Meeting - Sunday November 9th.  Potluck at 5:00 p.m., Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

10/02/2014  Third Saturday is 10/18/2014.  See link above. 

06/10/2014  A message was received from Nancy Nichols - The folks in Deadwood drive a lot on Lane County roads. Here is a chance to communicate where they could be improved:

06/04/2014  The Deadwood Microloan Committee is prepared to accept applications for startup money for persons trying to start or enhance a local business or increase income potential. Loans can be made in the range of $50 to $250 with terms of 1% simple annual interest. To set up an appointment, ask for more information, or request a simple application call Mel at 964-3223 or Keith at 964-3502. Or you can e-mail Mel at  or Keith at   An application can be found on the Business Directory page.

Suggestions for projects are: sewing / equipment, transport service to and from Eugene and Florence, small engine repair, dog / pet sitting, goat / milk, home security, or make other suggestions. Any of several persons on the committee will be available for making this happen.

05/16/204  Community Center Work Party and bar-be-queue pot luck Sunday June 1st 10am-3pm.
 Bring your garden tools, rakes, clippers, weed eaters etc. and make beauty and the Community Center. 
 We will also re-fresh and cleanse inside the hall for our greater pleasure.
 Contact Mary at 541 964 5341 for any questions.

05/14/2014  Another scam.  Please read.

04/30/2014  PUBLIC SERVICE POST.  Deadwood is home to many artists and authors. I feel that you should be aware of a scam. I listed a product from the Deadwood Trading Post on Craig’s List. A perspective buyer sent me a $3700.00 bank check for a $1800.00 item.  With a little research I discovered that the sender of the check, Publish America, LLLP, is a scam. See attached links and decide for yourself. 

 Ripoff Report.                   Journalist Investigation:  Publish America Scam

04/07/2014  May Day Run.  See April Ditto.

04/06/2014  Third Saturday for April...See link above or the Community Center page.

03/01/2014  Blachly Lane is making some By-Law changes.  Be sure to review you next bill and ballot carefully.  Here is the website for more information.

02/10/2014  The Kush Band will playing at the Community Center this month. 

01/03/2014  The Deadwood Country Market has now opened their Tavern.  The Tavern also serves food so stop in and enjoy a hamburger, your favorite beverage, and watch a little football on the big screen.

12/02/2013  Third Saturday 12/21/2013.  See Community Center page for details.

11/27/2013  The Deadwood Trading Post wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

11/14/2013  Holiday Bazaar Sunday December 1st.  See flier here.

11/7/2013  The Deadwood Creek Services Annual Board Meeting is Sunday 11/10/2013.  See more info on the Community Center page.

10/21/2013  Important Meeting at the Deadwood Community Center, Tuesday, 10/22/2013 at 6:00 p.m.  New Post Office hours will be discussed.  The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 p.m.  Read more information here.

10/07/2013  Jim Estes, a founder of Alpha Farm, passed away Saturday morning, relatively peacefully. All of the close family members nearby had been to visit him in the past two days, and those who couldn’t travel to him were able to talk to him by phone. Even though he couldn’t speak, we could see responsiveness in his face. For his last two days he was surrounded by loved ones. Thank you to all who came to visit or sent messages of love and prayer. He appreciated every one. 

Thank you, Jim, for your loyalty, devotion and 41 years of selfless service to Alpha Farm. We love you and miss you!

Jim will be buried at the Alpha Farm cemetery in Deadwood at 1 p.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, October 8. For information on the exact location and where to park, call Lysbeth at 541-344-8984 (home) or 541-510-1540 (cell), or call the farm at 541-964-5102.
We are still working out the details and timing of a memorial service and will post these as soon as we know. It will most likely be the weekend of October 19-20 or 26-27.

Thank you all for holding Jim and Caroline in the light.

Lysbeth Borie

10/02/2013  Third Saturday Event with Sol Seed is on October 19th.  See link above.

09/29/2013  The bears are prowling Deadwood again.  Time to get your apples picked before the bears destroy your tress.  See Deadwood's Most Wanted here.

09/13/2013  Third Saturday Returns for the Fall.  See link above.

08/09/2013  The Annual Rock Creek Reunion Party Gathering is August 16-18.  See information here.

07/04/2013  The Deadwood Community Center is sponsoring a special Third Saturday in July.  See link above.

06/18/2013  As most of you know by now, Blachly Lane is having a special election between Cheryl Haskell and Clint Kokkeler.  The ballot you received in the mail includes an insert that outlines both candidates background and message.  Read it here.  You have already made the difficult decision before the previous election.  This one ought to be easy.

A supporter of Clint Kokkeler stated, "I think with [Clint] having a business back ground maybe we can get changes made to restore Blachly Lane back to the old concept which was to provide lowest cost power and maintain the integrity of the coop". 

Below is a submission by Maggie Oldershaw in support of Cheryl Haskell.

​Regarding the Blachly Lane Electric Co-op election, please DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE THE MESSAGE!! Cheryl Haskell is a dedicated board member and deserves to be re-elected to her position. Her opponent may make a great candidate IN THE FUTURE but currently has a lot to learn about the BLEC. 
Cheryl has worked hard on behalf of members and has accumulated a great deal of knowledge along the way. I have known Cheryl since the early days of the anti-merger campaign and believe her boundless energy is a great asset. She deserves to be re-elected. VOTE CHERYL HASKELL.

06/15/2013  A few updates:  The June 2013 Ditto is posted, Third Saturday is upon us, and Max and Eva Edleson is teaching a workshop on how to Build a Wood Fired Barrel Oven August 17-18th.  See link for information.  

05/27/2013  Third Saturday is June 15th.  See link above for details.

05/26/2/2013  Mapleton farmers' market update: for those who may be interested, looking at the last Saturday of June to begin the farmers' market in front and around our store, "Farmer's Country Hardware", 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Anyone interested feel free to give us a call at 541-268-4005 or just come on by, we're open Mon - Sat 9:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you there! Thank you.  

05/17/2013  The Deadwood Country Market is celebrating Rhody weekend with a BBQ and a Beer Garden.
​Friday through Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Revelers will complete their evening at the Community Center for Third Saturday Music.  See link above.

05/06/2013  I have been approach again about posting election information.  I do not want to burden you or this website with election propaganda, but I will pass along a spattering of hopefully useful tools for making an election decision.  Here is a website for a few candidates running for the Port of Siuslaw.   

I have considered joining the Swisshome-Deadwood volunteer fire department.  When reviewing the ballot, I noticed an open position, Director Position 1, which is uncontested.  It is a 2 year unexpired term and requires a write-in candidate.  I will run for that position as a write-in candidate.  That is Karl Logan, Karl with a "K".  My Background - I have no experience with a Fire Department or Fire Fighting, but I have extensive experience using fire.  In fact, when I was 17, I caught on fire and didn't like it.  I am a full time Respiratory Therapist at Peace Harbor Hospital and your local Deadwood Trading Post Administrator.  I have a Degree in Respiratory Therapy and a BA in Healthcare Administration.  I have lived in Deadwood since 1999.  I am asking for your vote.  

Please support the Mapleton School District and the local candidates running for the Board.

05/05/2013  Today is the beginning of FIRE AWARENESS WEEK. 

Here is a public service announcement of your local volunteer fire department.






05/03/2013  Several updates to report.  The Neighborhood Watch and Third Saturday information has been posted.  Also, the May Day Fun Run is this Sunday followed by a pancake breakfast and a plant exchange at the Deadwood Community Center.

04/29/2013  Nancy Nichols of Deadwood would like to throw her support behind the incumbent for Blachly Lane.  Here are a few words from Nancy.

I am supporting Cheryl Haskell for Blachly Lane Electric Co-op District 3 position.

Over the last couple years I attended a number of Blachly Lane meetings concerning an opportunity for the Blachly Lane Electric Co-op to partner with Siuslaw Watershed Council and others to underground power-lines on West Fork Road as part of a project to improve salmon runs. The project was grant funded so there was no cost to the co-op. The project would save money on brush clearing and reduce power outages caused by trees falling into the lines. Some of the board members were caught up in old grudges and voted against the project. Cheryl worked to understand the actual issues and vote for the best interest of co-op members. The problems on the Blachly-Lane Board do not rest with Cheryl Haskell who is the newest board member. She should not be voted out for the failures of others.

04/26/2013  The Blachly Lane Election for Board of Directors is underway.  If you are like me, you have noticed electric rates sky rocketing.  Maybe it is time for a new Board.  I have been asked to pass along information on one such member running for a seat on the Board.  Clint Kokkeler makes some great points about out electric rates and the way decisions are made that affect all of us.  See info here.

04/05/2013 Check out the pool table.

03/28/2013  Third Saturday is April 20th.  See Link above.

03/24/2013  Check out the Classified Ads.  New Post:  Huskavarna rototiller for sale, 8 hp, used only twice, easy start, selling for half price, $600. Call Jairo 541-964-3156

03/09/2013  Third Saturday is fast approaching (March 16th).  See link above.

02/19/2013  Mary Lou wants everyone to know she would enjoy helping Deadwood residents with their quilting and/or patchwork needs.  The only requirement is that you come to her home.  She will volunteer her time.  Your company is payment enough.  Call Mary Lou at her home.  She is on the tree.

02/08/2013  Third Saturday is approaching fast.  February 16th.  See link above.

More information regarding the upcoming meeting * here *.  Great background information.

Meeting to be held...Friends of Lake Creek Steelhead will host the ODFW and at the Mapleton Lions Club on Sunday the 10th of February from 4 to 6 PM. For more information contact Les Benscoter: 541 964 3666

See pdf for more information * link here *.

Everyone has noticed the Lake Creek Ridge logging by now. The clear cut is quite evident as you turn on to Deadwood Creek Road. The next cut will involve cables across Deadwood Creek Road between the cemetery and Boyd's home. See more information and contact person on the Lake Creek Ridge Logging page.

12/16/2012  I have created an interactive forum  "Deadwood Creek Forum"  for posting messages.  It is similar to the classified message board so it should be easy to use once you have mastered that board.

12/15/2012  They have a large hound with a GPS tracking device on him at the Deadwood post office. Pretty hungry. Maybe you could put the word out on your magical email network? Eric S.

Post a reply on the Deadwood Creek Forum.

11/24/2012  The Deadwood Country Store is now open for business.  Visit the Country Store page for more information.

11/13/2012  Holiday Craft Fair.
​December 1, 2012 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the community center.  Please tell a friend.

10/27/2027  Deadwood Creek Services Annual Meeting, November 4th, 5:30 potluck, 6:30 meeting.

To find out more about what is going on in Deadwood now (as well as connect with your wonderful neighbors) plan on attending the DCS Annual Meeting on Sunday, November 4th.  A potluck will   begin at 5:30 and the meeting begins at 6:30.  Bring your thoughts, ideas and visions.  We hope to see you there!

Third Saturday Event November 17th.  See link above.

10/24/2012     The Deadwood Store has new owners.  See more information on Country Market.

From Ron and Marcia

The buyers are a really nice young couple and should fit well into the community. I know they are really looking forward to meeting everyone. The move will be the hardest for Dimitri’s wife Tina as she has never been away from family. I believe that they will attempt to have a small deli or ??? if they see an interest from the community. We have been waiting for just the right people to buy the store.  I know they are really looking forward to meeting everyone.from

Another note to spread is for visitors to Jim. He gets lonely. He also has become quite the sweet eater so if anyone bakes cookies or brownies and happen to have a few extra, Jim’s is the place to leave them! 

10/22/2012  A message from Les B. and the R.O.P.  See Post office link at top of page.

I know most of you read the Deadwood Ditto in it's original paper format, however, I was recently asked to update the Deadwood Ditto webpage.  The Deadwood Ditto webpage is now current through September. I got several months behind on scanning due to frustrations with my scanner.

My scanner is so slow is it? My scanner is so slow I can drive to Florence and back between pages.

Having said that, if anyone is interested in scanning the Deadwood Ditto and forwarding it to me I will gladly post it promptly.

I will get the October Deadwood Ditto posted soon.

Karl Logan
Deadwood Trading Post 

09/02/2012             Hey Loyal Mapleton fans..............

September 15th is the second annual Mapleton High booster club auction. Last year the community made this a hugely successful event. Uniforms, cleats, school record board and much more were purchased with the proceeds. With your help we will do it again!! We need contributions of goods and services for our verbal and silent auctions. Labor, firewood, art pieces, jewelry, pottery, tractor time, etc

Help our community/our kids! To make a donation to the booster club's auction of goods or services call Richie at 541 964-5621.

Richie Gross

Conjugal Visitors Return to Deadwood !!!    Saturday, September 15, 2012  Info posted on the Community Center Page or use the Third Saturday link above.

See 8/28/12 meeting information on the Deadwood Creek Community Center Page.

We invite you to come and camp...August 17-19  
From:  Danell Sundstrom

PARTY UPDATE !!!!! We invite you to come and camp for the weekend. We will provide the space (port. pottys, running water, creekside access...)

Schedule of events: 

Friday will be a work day and setting up for the masses ( all help welcome!)  with some sort of meal in the evening and possible musical jam's whatever y'all bring!!!!

Saturday - FUN RUN.....volleyball...softball....horseshoes....creektime...crouquet...
Saturday evening POTLUCK around 7:00 followed by our favorite musical guests....KUSH!!!

We LOVE being able to make this event possible with all of your kind help!!! Your donations are greatly appreciated!!!!! 


The mystery of the knight in shining armor has been shoved.  Jane and her family stopped at the Farmer's Market and met Nancy, Cathy B, Margie, Helen, Opal, Lucie, Billie, Kaki, Jan, and Ray.  Ray is the knight in shining armor.  He rescued the damsel in distress (and her family).  

An update from Jan, apparently Jane and her family were headed to the Country Fair and their GPS lead them to the Deadwood Store for gas.  The GPS didn't know the store was closed.  So I guess GPS isn't so smart after all.

I received a post from a British visitor that stopped by the Farmer's Market.  They were very complimentary of the Deadwood residents they met.  Does anyone know who the residents were?  Below is the message I received:

Hi there,

I would like to express my extreme gratitude to the wonderful people I met at the market last week. I was so nervous about being without gas - we literally had gone well past the flashing light on the dash and the alarm noise to let us know we were nearly dry. You were so warm and helpful and the gas you gave us got us to the next station safely - then on to the fair for a wonderful day.

I hope your children had a wonderful time in Japan, and your beautiful granddaughters have a great summer in your amazing countryside. I am sorry I don't recall the name of the lovely man that went back to his farm for the gas - but thank you!

Again, many many thanks.

Jane, Dan and Chris (the stranded British midwife from Canada!!)

Additional information on the Organic Oranges

$30 a case for approximately 40 lbs of Valencia organic oranges, picked the 3rd and 4th of July. Our phone number is 541 964-3049. We are working on arranging delivery to the Community Center on the 11th.  Jesse and Elaine

Elaine and Jesse Pattison are going to have cases of fresh picked Organic Oranges for sale by the case next month and They want to see who would like to pre-purchase.  
email -

I stumbled on an article that discusses how to tighten up your computer to block tracking cookies and other unwanted intrusion on your private life through your computer. Below are the highlights.  

In Firefox it's called Private Browsing.
There's an Incognito mode extension for Chrome. This article tells you how to switch any tab to Incognito with one click and here's information for using Incognito for specific sites.
Internet Explorer has an In-Private browsing feature, as well as offers a way for people to selectively block sites from tracking.
Apple has had private browsing since OS X Lion.

A few updates for the community.  

1) The dinner and music at the Community Center last night was great.  A big thank you to Tchanan for arranging the music and to Nancy for the great food.

2) Next weekend is the big Hwy 36 Garage Sale.  Great opportunity to sell a few unwanted items or some crafts.

3) The Farmers Market begins next weekend as well.  I am creating a Farmers Market/UDIG/local produce page.  Please provide some feedback and information for the webpage.  It is already on the toolbar under Farmers Market.

4) I spoke with some Deadwood residents that inquired about Ride Sharing.  As a reminder, I created a post in the classified that can be used for this purpose.  Please take another look at it and create a post if you are interested in Ride Sharing.  Maybe someone will want to share the trip to Eugene or Florence and conserve some fuel.  It will be good for the planet, good for your pocketbook, and provide some good fellowship.  The classified section allows you and others to post information without my involvement, and that is good for everyone.

Please note that the Hwy 36 Garage sale is June 22, 23, 24. Not June 29, 30 and July 1 as printed in the Ditto. Thanks Deb for the heads up.

The last Third Saturday for the season is June 16th.  See link above.


Surf on over to the Classified Ads for new listings.  Now listed...Cedar Garden Boxes.  They can also be found on the new webpage - Deadwood Marketplace.


The Deadwood Calendar has a typo...31 actually.  August starts on the wrong day of the week and that error follows for the rest of the month.  So, do not make plans based on the August Calendar.  My understanding is that another August page is being drafted.  

5/9/2012  The Deadwood Post Office is Saved  See post office update link at top of page.

The Cinco De Mayo celebration was a good time.  The band was great.  Thanks Sunni.

Next on the Community Center Agenda is the May Day Run (today), then Third Saturday.

Surf over to the Community Center Page for updates and celebrations.  Updates include:  Thanks for the help with the Community Center Clean-up, Cinco De Mayo celebration, and Third Saturday in May.

Don't forget the May Day Run, May 6th.  See post below.

Senate Bill 1789 referred to as the “21st Century Postal Service Act of 2012" is sponsored by Senators Lieberman, Carper, Collins, and Brown.  The Senate is voting as early as Tuesday.  The bill could change the current course of the Post Office Closures.  See link below.

Community Center Clean-up

Time for spring cleaning! Come and pitch in at the Deadwood Community Center Clean-up. Bring yourself, a tool of your choice, something to grill and a potluck dish to the Community Center at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 27th. Weeding, brush piling, pruning, constructing, scrubbing, planting, overseeing, entertaining……there will be something for everyone!

See you there, 

Deadwood Community Services Board Members

Yippee!      May Day Run!      Yahoo!

Come take a run, a walk, a ride or a gander at the May Day Run this Sunday, May 6th, at the Deadwood Community Center (4.3 miles up Deadwood Creek Road). This wonderful annual event will begin at 10:00 a.m. with a “race” around the Deadwood Creek Loop and through the Deadwood covered bridge. Then everyone is treated to a wonderful pancake breakfast and a chance to win raffle prizes donated by local artists and craftspeople. This is a very family-friendly event—the more the merrier! 

If you have any questions, or would like to donate something for the raffle, 
give Mizu a call at 541.964.3981.

04/12/2012  Post office update see link above.

No doubt most of you have received two (2) notifications regarding the herbicide/pesticide testing. If you are like me, you are a bit puzzled by the two letters.  One suggests everything was fine and the other said the opposite.  So which is it?  For the answer you it will require some homework then you can make a decision for yourself.  Here is my brief analysis.  Both are technically correct.  In reference to the August 2011 testing, neither atrazine or it's metabolites were detectable and neither source refute those findings.  2,4-D is the herbicide in question.  As noted in one letter, 59 of 64 samples or 93% of those tested were in fact positive and the level of 2,4-D is higher than that of the average population in the United States.  However, as the other letter points out, government guidelines suggest that the participants were not exposed to 2,4-D at levels that are expected to cause adverse health effects.  The question is what YOU consider to be an acceptable level of 2,4-D.  The letter you received provided information on the dangers.

The full report can be read here:

By popular request I am reposting the website address from Les B.'s letter below because it is filled with good information. "The Post Office is not broke -- and it hasn't taken any of our tax money since 1971".

There have been some interesting updates regarding the Post Office.  Here is a link to an article from the Statesman Journal.  Even money-losing rural post offices must stay open, Merkley says.

The Rural Organizing Project has also been very active.  See the articles in the attachments on the toolbar on the right.  Also, see the letter below from Les B.  Great information.  

Read More...See Link Post Office update at top of page.

Third Saturday is upon us once again.  March 17th marks the date for the Saint Patrick's Day event.  The Raven Tones & Steel Wool will rock the house (or in this case the community center).  Dinner starts and 6:30 and music starts at 7:30.   Feel free to download and print the flier and pass it along to your friends.  

02/25/2012  I have responded to this ‘spin release’ from Senator Wyden’s office... See Post Office updates link at top of page.

02/24/2012  For Immediate Release: February 24, 2012,  Contact: Tom Towslee, 503-326-7525

Wyden Statement on Proposed Closure of Mail Processing Facilities in Bend, Pendleton, Eugene and Salem...Read more... See Post Office update link at top of page.

Haley from Blachly Lane Coop is coming out on Thursday, February 23rd and will be at the Post Office at 11:30 to take some pictures and get comments from citizens about how closing the post office will affect them. She will be writing an article for the Ruralite.

This will be a great opportunity to be heard.

The recent Triangle Lake meeting was covered by KEZI see it here.  It is a short article but highlights residents concerns about spraying on forest land.  If you live in the "defined recruitment area" you should receive a notice titled "The Highway 36 Pesticide Exposure Investigation".

The minutes from the February 13th Think Tank meeting at the Deadwood Creek Communiuty Center are still pending.  22 concerned residents attended the meeting.  Additional information can be read at

02/11/2012  3rd Saturday Event at Deadwood Creek Community Center Feb. 18th.

01/26/2012  Save the Date: Deadwood Community Think Tank, Monday, February 13 at 5PM
Deadwood Community Center...Read more... See Post Office update link at top of page.

Deadwood Community Members.

Thank You Karl for the January Flood photo's.

There is a community organizing meeting in the works and a notice will be coming soon. The process to secure the meeting center is in process.

In the interim the following article is well worth reading. By Mark Jamison


Pictures of the flood in Deadwood are at the following link.

01/10/2012 Post Office Update - See link at top of page.

01/03/2012  Post Office Update - Town Hall Meeting...Read More...See Link at top of page.

01/03/2012Post Office Update

Jessica sent me this heads up yesterday. The ROP returned to work and the Kitchen Table Activism will continue to try to collect more petition signatures. She mentioned that they had 788 in their office and 182 online. I just noticed the online one went from 199 to 201 so there is some progress there. The goal was 3,000 signatures by 

Thank You. Les

12/28/2011Post Office Update

Deadwood & Swisshome Communities

#1. My 'Thank You' to all of you for Occupying Our Post Office on 
December 19th.

#2. The Rural Organization Project staff were motivated by your 
efforts. They took your concerns state wide and were joined by 22 
Communities. Their efforts will continue in 2012.

#3. Dr. Steve Hutkins ( ) has 
graciously taken all of the communities efforts and will be posting 
them on his blog very soon.

Here Is A Preview of what he will post on the web site: You All Earned This.

Thank You All, On Behalf Of Our Committee and the ROP Staff.

Mr. B.

PS. Todays article in *The Blog* is very interesting. Reading all of the back articles is very informative. The 'Week In Review' plus that advisory opinion are worth the effort to read and think about.

12/21/2011Post Office Update

Good Evening Everyone,

A brief and warming 'Thank You' to everyone.  You did better than good. :)  More on that Later. An update on some of the follow up news.

Mr. B.

12/15/2011  Post Office Update - See link at top of page.

12/12/2011  Post Office Update  -  See link at top of page.

12/10/2011  Post Office Update

Deadwood and Swisshome Communities:

The following was sent out to supportive groups across the state today. Jessica and the ROP staff want each one of you to know how thankful they are for your support of Keeping Our Rural Post Offices Open.

Jessica had also attached the letter (.pdf) of support which was attached to the information sent from Senator Wydens Office. I did not duplicate the attachments. It is Good News - this is a great way to begin preparing for another chance to give input into the process. Being State wide is good -- there are 40 communities that share our concerns. County Commissioners from all over have come to the support of keeping the rural post offices open. If you happen to see any of them (i.e. Jay Bozevich) thank them. Jay also sent the good news out to all of us. Thank You commissioner Bozievich.


Mr. B. on behalf of our Communities -- including Walton (Notified by Jessica).


Hello fellow Post Office defenders!

My name is Jessica Campbell and I am an organizer with the Rural Organizing Project. We are working with Leslie Benscoter of Deadwood and Otan Logi of Swisshome--whom you may have already talked with--to save rural post offices in Oregon! Our first action is to do a friendly Occupy Our Post Office day on Monday, December 19th where we will deliver Christmas cards and cookies to our Postmasters and postal employees to show how much we care about our Post Office! We will also be collecting signatures, cards, and letters to our Senators and Representatives asking them to save rural post offices by imposing a 6-month moratorium on closures and to support legislation that allows the Postal Service to operate efficiently!

I have good news to share! Senators Wyden and Merkley both have signed onto a letter calling for a 6-month moratorium! The letter now has 20 signatories and seems to be growing by the minute! The letter and resolution are attached.

Are you getting ready to participate on December 19? Have you gotten your Christmas cards to your Postmaster and postal employees picked out?

Remember that ROP staff are excited and available to help you organize for December 19! Just send us an email or give us a call!

Jessica Campbell
Rural Organizing Project - Advancing Democracy in Rural Oregon
PO Box 1350
Scappoose, OR 97056

12/10/2011  Post Office Update

Deadwood and Swisshome Communities,

This was sent to all of us from Senator Wydens Office (Today). Juine attended our first community meeting and has been working very hard to keep not only us but Senator Wyden appraised about our concerns.

We are all grateful for this.

Our efforts do make a difference. Lets keep focused on the task at hand -- the Dec 19th Occupy Our Post Office is supportive of the 6 month moratorium and better legislation.

There are attachments, I hope that is ok with everyone.

It is prudent to ask everyone to make the effort to inform those who do not have an Internet connection or are not on this mailing list. It would be neat if we had a decent showing of folks on Dec 19th to sign the petition in support of the moratorium.

(Reminder): The planning meeting in the Deadwood Creek Community Center is Monday, Dec 12th at 7PM.

Everyone is welcome.

We are sending out a second letter this evening with more supportive information from the Rural Organization Project. The ROP staff have been instrumental in taking this project state wide. Keeping everyone informed is a huge task which requires a great effort.

Thank You To Everyone.

Mr. B.


I have attached the letter and legislative language asking for a 6-month moratorium to prevent the postal service from closing or consolidating area mail processing facilities or rural post offices.
The letter is signed by 20 Senators (Sanders, Ben Nelson, Tim Johnson, Mark Udall, Bennet, Klobuchar, Tester, McCaskill, Baucus, Landrieu, Begich, Rockefeller, Wyden, Gillibrand, Leahy, Merkley, Harkin, Franken, Kerry, and Tom Udall).
If you have any questions please give me a call.
Best,  Juine

Juine Chada
Field Representative
U.S. Senator Ron Wyden

405 E. 8th Avenue, Suite 2020
Eugene, OR  97401
541-431-0229 (o)
541-431-0610 (f)

12/8/2011Post Office Update

Good Afternoon Everyone: (Deadwood and Swisshome)

A recent notice from the Postal Authorities posted in our Post Office tells us that we have 87 rented boxes and 109 on the rural route. Those figures are close to 200 to tell us something: Get the word out to everyone - many in our community do not have email. Communications are vital to saving our rural post office.
A State wide effort is being made to involve all 40 rural post offices for an Occupy The Post Office for Monday December 19th. It is time to start getting ourselves organized for the statewide action! There is a good chance that the media will cover this event.

Let's meet at the Deadwood Creek Community Center at 7PM on Monday, December 12 to make sure we are ready!

We need help with the following tasks:
* Making sure the announcement is going out to every group, church, and school
* Getting the word out in the Ditto.
* Getting in touch with neighbors, coworkers, and everyone else in person

Thank You, Everyone!
A repeat of the URL

Leslie Benscoter
90201 Lake Creek Mountain Road
Deadwood, Oregon

Jessica Campbell
Rural Organizing Project - Advancing Democracy in Rural Oregon
PO Box 1350
Scappoose, OR 97056

Thank You.  me. Mr, B.

Deadwood Creek Community Center
December 17,2011

"Third Saturday" Dinner and Dance with the  LIVE MUSIC of the KUSH Band


*FRANK WELLS:  vocals and harmonic, *MARC BARNUM:  bass and vocals
*SUNNY SUNDSTROM and BOB RANNOW:  guitar and vocal, *RICK BUCHENDAL:   drums
This will be the KUSH Band's third show in the 
"Third Saturday" series and we welcome them back.

Dinner for Sale starts 6:30pm, Music starts 7:30pm

Sliding scale donation, 4.3 miles up Deadwood Creek Rd. off Hwy: 36   *  info call:   541-964-5031

Craft Fair at the Deadwood Community Center Saturday, 11/26/2011 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.  Art, pottery, jewelry and other handmade craft items will be available for sale to the general public.  This is a great opportunity to support your local community.

The November 3rd Saturday Event was fantastic.  Forty to fifty residents celebrated with music, dinner and dance.  Brian Chevalier and The Westside Players performed late into the evening.  The atmosphere was jubilant and the music and incredible.  A great time was had by all.  See you next time.

Don't miss the 3rd Saturday Event (Nov. 19th) at the Deadwood Creek Community Center.  A night of Music, Dinner, and Dance.  Dinner starts at 6:30.  Music starts at 7:30.  Brian Chevalier and The Westside Players perform Blues, Soul, and Rock.  For more information call - 541-964-5031  Cost - sliding scale donation.

Following the Deadwood Community Meeting and update on the Post Office, I was reminded to purchase stamps from the Deadwood Post Office.  The Post Office gets their revenue from local stamp purchases and postage originating from the Deadwood location.  If the Deadwood location is saved, we can support our post office with shipping revenue and increased commerce using the Deadwood Trading Post.

The Deadwood Community meeting will be held at the Deadwood Community Center on Sunday, 11/13/2011.  Potluck at 5:00 followed by the meeting at 6:30.

Don't forget to write to congress folks and postal management about them closing our Post Office.  It really would be a shame to lose 50% of our community.  A great website - I enjoyed the visit.  

Thank You, L.B.

To post a comment use this link >> Deadwood Posts

Not to be mistaken with Deadwood, South Dakota, the Deadwood Trading Post in Deadwood, Oregon highlights our beautiful coastal mountain community. Our on-line store lists Authors, Books, Art, Pottery, Ceramics, T-Shirts, Watercolor, Paintings, Handmade Pencils, Drawings, Pen and Ink, Tie-Dye, and Wood Products. We also highlight Fishing, Hunting, Pictures of Oregon's Coastal Mountains, Logging, Creeks, Rivers, Streams, Salmon, Steelhead, Elk, Deer and other wildlife. Please take the time to visit our artist pages and enjoy your stay.

Thanks for visiting.