Deadwood Trading Post
Deadwood Oregon Trading Company, Deadwood, Oregon
Other News and Events in Deadwood
Deadwood Flood January 2012
March 21, 2012 was an usual spring morning. Two - three inches of snow fell over night and with it trees fell and power was cut off. I set out for work in Florence at 5:15 a.m. A short distance from the house was the first downed tree. I was able to make it across/around several trees but the fourth tree just west of Indiola stopped me where it lay. It was too big to cross or drive around. At 9:00 I tried it again and made it to Florence. It was too dark at 5:00 a.m. to take pictures so I captured the scene at 9:00 a.m. (By the way, Hwy 36 is closed today March 22nd at Triangle Lake due to a landslide)
The drive was very interesting. Driving delays make people crazy. Once I hit 126 at Mapleton tailgaters were coming off Walton mountain annoyed and speeding, attempting to make up time after the delays from wrecks and downed trees. My last snow picture for the morning never got taken. As I pulled to the shoulder, rolled down the window, and focused my cell phone camera south toward the snow covered mountain across the Davidson Mill campus I heard a noise coming from the rear. I barely recognized the sound when a small pickup truck whizzed by at 60 mph slinging road grime and slush into my open window. The wet slush splashed my face and camera, covered my lap, drenched the inside of the windshield, and ran down the interior of the driver side door. Wow, what a great morning.
Where do these reckless people come from? After slipping behind the steering wheel and setting out for a morning commute of irritating delays, people get frustrated and turn into something unrecognizable. These folks act like they are great adventurers, pioneers crossing the Oregon Trail, dangerously slipping and sliding through the snow without a care. Like postal workers, nothing can stop them. Not rain, nor sleet, or snow. Nothing can stop the U.S. Male. No, these urban cowboys in their BMW's are America's finest road warriors making the roads unsafe for the rest of us. Enjoy the ride.
Not to be mistaken with Deadwood, South Dakota, the Deadwood Trading Post in Deadwood, Oregon highlights our beautiful coastal mountain community. Our on-line store lists Authors, Books, Art, Pottery, Ceramics, T-Shirts, Watercolor, Paintings, Handmade Pencils, Drawings, Pen and Ink, Tie-Dye, and Wood Products. We also highlight Fishing, Hunting, Pictures of Oregon's Coastal Mountains, Logging, Creeks, Rivers, Streams, Salmon, Steelhead, Elk, Deer and other wildlife. Please take the time to visit our artist pages and enjoy your stay.
Thanks for visiting.
Painted Rock. April 2012
A celebration for a Deadwood Resident.
Happy Birthday Jim.
Deadwood Spring 2012
The second and third day of spring brings with it a late snow.
News and Events in Deadwood,Oregon
Community Calendar
See the Ditto for more info and events
Al-Anon Meetings
for info 964-5566
Sundays 4:00 p.m. Community Center
AA Meetings
Mapleton - Red building next to the Library. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 7 pm. Sunday at 3 pm.
Third Saturday
Dinner and Music at the Community Center Dinner 6:30, Music 7:30 p.m.
Music at the Tavern
Farmers Market
Fresh Produce, Baked Goods, Arts and Crafts. Sunday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Location: Deadwood Store
Yoga and Relaxation
YOGA for Sore Backs, Strength and Vitality. Fridays at 9am. at Living Well.
Call MaryGold McNutt to register at 541 964 5341
Winter- 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday only - Oct 1- March 30
Summer - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday only April 1 - Sept. 30
Living Well
Fire Walk
Call for Special Events 964-5341
Rock Creek Reunion Party
How is the cougar population in Oregon?
It has been a while since I have heard of pets missing or cougars prowling around Triangle Lake and Mapleton schools but I have seen fewer and fewer deer lurking around my property. I did some research and found a couple great resources about cougars. Cougar populations have increased dramatically since hunting with dogs was banned. Cougars kill up to 50 deer a year. Estimates range from a kill every 9-14 days to as many as 2 a week depending on other scavengers. There are two sides to the story but here is some interesting reading.
Painted Rock. May 2016
A Memorial for a Deadwood Resident.
Painted Rock. June 2016
A Memorial for Deadwood Residents.
Motorcycle accidents...
The Recent Deadwood Fire was the talk of the town, 9/11/17. Ironic that the fire happened on 911. Road Construction equipment overheated and sparked a small brush fire that quickly ran uphill into the trees. The smell in the air was reminiscent of weeks of smoke from fires throughout Oregon. To our dismay the fire was to close to home for comfort. For some nearby residents the clearcut between them and the fire provided some peace of mind. Fire crews from three local stations and two helicopters quickly doused the flames. I have heard estimates of two to fifty acres burned. The Fire started across the highway from the Blue Rooftop in the Map >>. Deadwood Oregon Map.

Road construction - More than a few resident have voiced displeasure about the road construction from Triangle Lake to Mapleton. Long wait times, reduced speed limits, and loose gravel for the past few weeks have made the commute to town more unpleasant, not to mention the fire started by the equipment. All in all, repairs are almost complete and the new rumble strip might help save lives.
FREEZING RAIN January 2024
January 13, 2024 Lane county, and much of the Northwest, got a winter storm they won't forget. The real problem occurred as cold air blanketed Lane County and created FREEZING RAIN. Snap, crackle, and pop visited Deadwood and surrounding areas in Lane County which created historic tree damage and loss of power for days. Blachly-Lane Electric Co-op, and others, worked all day and into the night to restore power. Part of Deadwood finally received power on 1/19/2024, a week later. There are few ice pictures because it was dangerous to goes outside. Both Hwy 126 and Hwy 36 were closed for days. Please email pictures.